Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Baptism and the bump

Sunday the 11th was Hannah's baptism. She was so excited about finally getting to have her baptism. Grammy was here to get to see it. Noel and I gave her a card and flowers telling how proud we were of her. I don't know who was more excited Hannah or Noel getting to baptize her. I also thought it was appropiate for her to wear last years camp t-shirt - "God's Word - Soak it up".

After Hannah's baptism I was trying to go back down the steps and lost my footing on the wet steps and fell backwards sliding down the stairs. The entire congregation hears Noel saying "Oh, no!", and they think Noel had fallen. Nope, it was me. I fell and sprained my wrist. So we will all have something to remember her baptismal day. You can read more of Noel thoughts on my fall at

I am trying to get better about updating. We are all just ready for the beach.


Jeff Brooks / TwoTwenty Ministries said...

Hooray for Hannah! And I'm glad you're okay Donna - it was just hard to pass up the opportunity to give Noel a hard time! Pardon me!

Susanne said...

I'm glad you're okay, Donna! That sounds scary. What a wonderful day it must be when your kids ask Jesus into their hearts. I know you're so proud of your girls!

Donna Dear said...

It is day you pray for, and that you are the one there when it happens. It was exciting when she did - the day before my birthday.

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

Love the pics! Glad you are ok! Tell Hannah I am soooo proud of her! I also hate i wasn't here when you guys came through L'ville!